Thursday, January 17, 2013

Face Your Pockets & Exercise One

 'Face Your Pockets' Scanning Project

ICE #1 Past Work/Future Aspirations

With my work, I am interested in making the viewer think. However, I never take a particularly serious approach while doing this. I enjoy when my work has a sense of humor to it. I think wit and humor are good tools to help get a message across. Most of my photographs are very straightforward; it is evident what the subject is.

Recently, I stumbled upon a photographer named Rebecca Norris Webb. She created one series called “My Dakota” that I found particularly interesting. Webb is from South Dakota and wanted to travel throughout the state on a photographic journey. Unexpectedly, her brother died of heart failure, which transformed the trip into a sort of coping method. This idea sparked one of my own that I may be interested in exploring during this class. I am interested in documenting the area where I spent my childhood. Although it’s not nearly as drastic as a brother dying, I am graduating after this term and I think it would be an interesting way to look back at my childhood.

You Are Not Alone #1 -Amelia Myers

Three Apples -Rebecca Norris Webb

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