Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Words Without Pictures: foRm

Laszlo Moholy-Nagy


Man Ray

Kiki Drinking 
[Rayograph; Comb, Straight Razor Blade, Needle and Other Forms]

Aaron Siskind

Minor White

Minor White. Lobos Sandstone, Slit, and Shadow. 1949

Minor White. Sandstone Lobos, "Returning Wave". 1950 
Minor White. Celibate. January 11, 1958 

Minor White. Snow Shapes, High Key. 1958

Eileen Quinlan


Monday, February 4, 2013

The Scanner

 Scanner Art.

 Scanner Art.

 Scanned Black and White Film.

Scanned Color Film.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Face Your Pockets & Exercise One

 'Face Your Pockets' Scanning Project

ICE #1 Past Work/Future Aspirations

With my work, I am interested in making the viewer think. However, I never take a particularly serious approach while doing this. I enjoy when my work has a sense of humor to it. I think wit and humor are good tools to help get a message across. Most of my photographs are very straightforward; it is evident what the subject is.

Recently, I stumbled upon a photographer named Rebecca Norris Webb. She created one series called “My Dakota” that I found particularly interesting. Webb is from South Dakota and wanted to travel throughout the state on a photographic journey. Unexpectedly, her brother died of heart failure, which transformed the trip into a sort of coping method. This idea sparked one of my own that I may be interested in exploring during this class. I am interested in documenting the area where I spent my childhood. Although it’s not nearly as drastic as a brother dying, I am graduating after this term and I think it would be an interesting way to look back at my childhood.

You Are Not Alone #1 -Amelia Myers

Three Apples -Rebecca Norris Webb